NaniWear Closing Announcement

After much consideration, we must announce that we will cease doing business as Nani?Wear at the end of 2024. After 16 years of making original designs for various fandoms, we have seen the markets have evolved and changed to the point that our business is no longer fits into it and, as such, we must move on.

We wish to thank all of you for your interest and support over the years. We have enjoyed the laughs (and groans) that we have received from you all has we have traveled from one end of the United States to the other, from Orlando, Florida, to Seattle, Washington and from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California and many points in between, as well as shipping out orders to destinations all over the world.

Our business will remain open through the end of the year 2024 for your holiday shopping needs. Most of our current stock will be greatly discounted, available at our web store,, and at the last convention we will be vending at, Daku Con, an 18+ only convention in Aurora, Colorado. Some items for sale through Amazon and Etsy will remain at full price, while others will have smaller discounts due to the costs of doing business on those platforms. So for the best discounts, shop at our web store or at Daku Con! Many items that are no longer in stock may be available on a print-to-order basis for full price.

We at Mountain States Anime, Inc. wish to again thank you for all of your support and look forward to seeing you in our next endeavors, coming soon! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at